Faith (Faith) n. Belief; the assent of the mind to the truth of what is declared by another, resting solely and implicitly on his authority and veracity. "For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith." (Romans 1:17)
28 July 2010
Bubbles in the Garden
That's right, folks. Bubbles have come to the Garden :) Utopia's newest shop opened in Garden City Shopping Center.
Utopia sells Taiwanese bubble tea which is flavoured frothy (milk)tea drink with added goodies of your choice e.g. sago, pudding, jelly, etc.
My experiences are that their drinks are not that authentic and the taste can often be inconsistent. But! The positive thing is that it is the closest to home I've tasted in Perth and the drinks still taste good :)
To celebrate its grand opening, Utopia is running a promotion of $1 bubble tea (with a different flavour each day) this week:
Wednesday 28/07/10 - Original
Thursday 29/07/10 - Summer Love
Friday 30/07/10 - Honey Dew
Saturday 31/07/10 - Winter Love
I must admit that, Utopia's recent series of price increase has put me off from buying bbt. $3.80 tea + $0.60 per topping in my opinion isn't really worth drinking tea that I can make at home. Personally I prefer spending a bit more money to buy Boost juice instead.
Anyway, don't let my opinions affect you! I still like drinking bubble tea and I am sure you will like it too :)
21 July 2010
Work Update
I had my uniform fitted and ordered today. I've been waiting today for a long time now!
Our company is introducing brand new uniforms to all client facing staff and we are very excited about the new corporate wardrobe!!
It was heaps fun today shopping for my new uniform with the girls; I got new skirts, pants, tops, a jacket, and a belt :D
Everyone I know is dying for October to come when we launch the new uniform together!!!
But first... August EOFY dinner at the Hilton Hotel. Looking forward to that very much :):):)
Thank God for a pay rise last month despite being on probation
Thank God for kind and supportive colleagues
Thank God for answered prayer yesterday for my colleagues not blaspheming God
Thank God for His providence through work
Thank God for spiritual lessons learnt through experiences at work
19 July 2010
13 July 2010
神的方法跟我們不同 - 祂完美無缺。
神的時間跟我們不同 - 祂永不錯誤。
(Stream in the Desert)
神的方法跟我們不同 - 祂完美無缺。
神的時間跟我們不同 - 祂永不錯誤。
(Stream in the Desert)
12 July 2010
Photo painting
and After :)
♥ pink vinaigrette photos!
In this photo:
Kimmidoll - from Daisy
Pimple Stickers - from Eric
Tree and swing stamp - $4 by Grace Taylor
Doll Making
Yesterday I was looking at this coin calico bag and the Bugs Bunny doll thinking what do I do with these? I found them on the top shelf... Why I had them there I can't explain!!
So back to deciding what I should do:
Throw? Keep? Re-home them in Steven's room? Hehe :P
I couldn't discard the calico bag because I love its country road linen too much... Maybe that's why I'd kept it in the first place??
Finally I recycled everything and made a little Japanese doll~
Cutting out shapes to make the doll's head and body
Pulling stuffing out of Bugs Bunny's tummy...
Don't try this at home kids! 姐姐有練過的哦 :)
Making a little hat~
Does this material look familiar to you? Remember it here!
The end product! Soo cute^^
Reminds me of when Veronika holds up her arms for a cuddle ♥
Tomorrow I have a day off. No work. Yippee!
Should spend my time wisely so as to not waste this blessing *nod nod*
08 July 2010
Remember I am the LORD
I am the LORD your God
Present yourself a living sacrifice
And in the days of my youth
I will always praise YouI will remember You are my God
In the twilight of my years
In the springtime of my life
In my laughter, in my tears
You are my God
You are the God of my days
You are my Light, my praise
I will remember You are my God
Sisters Fellowship
18 October 2009
I received this morning's exam results - 96%
By God's grace I've passed the written assessment... Thank God!
As I shared with few others today, while preparing for this exam I truly experienced God's comfort and guidance.
There were two decisions that I really struggled with... First was in going to prayer meeting on Tuesday night and second was whether to attend Wednesday night's Staff Lauch as I'd rsvp'd so. Both nights I really just wanted to stay at home to work on the assignment but I knew that although doing the assignment was important... Honouring God first in my life demands greater priority. I'd promised to attend both so attend both I shall!
"But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay" (Matt 5:37a)
Having sought to honour God as first priority, God was faithful to bless despite of my unworthiness. My faith has gained HP (health points) and my character has leveled up in this adventure of Christian Warefare.
The next step will be to hear from the Institution on feedback of how I performed with the two case studies before knowing for sure whether if I've been granted accreditation.
Thank you for praying for me. I am amazed by the mercy and love of God because of you :) Even mum told me that she too 'prayed' for me! I'm not entirely sure 'who' she 'prayed' to but thank God for stirring her heart to pray... which will be a story for another time as the story is pretty long. Right now I am soo sleepy I can hardly keep my eyes open.
See you tomorrow night!
07 July 2010
Gotta love exams!
Just arrived home from tonights Staff Launch which actually went pretty very well! The food was delicious, so the enjoyment from that made up for my disappointment of not winning the door prizes.
Our Company's CEO stood next to our table the entire night... Surprisingly no one showed any sign of nervousness! Instead people chatted to him like old friends do, he's such a friendly and down to earth boss :)
I'm so excited along with everyone else about the promotion that I almost forget about tomorrow's exam and assignment -_-|||
Off to studies now...
Coffee, check.
Chocolate, check.
Books, check.
Heater, check.
It's 4°C tonight... Keep warm everyone

06 July 2010
Week 2, July
This Week in a Snapshot:
- Tuesday
- AM - 30 Day Interview
- PM - Evangelism PM & PM
- Wednesday
- AM - Training & Training Assessment
- PM - Product Launch Ceremony
- Thursday
- AM - Exam & Assignment Due
- Friday
- AM - Performance Review
- Saturday
- Sigh of relief :)
05 July 2010
I'm an underground online shopper
My first online website purchase happened today and I bought a handheld steam cleaner. I'm still finding it hard to come to terms with what I just did - I bought something online, surrendered credit card details, and paid local P&H. All of which are telltale signs that the world wide web is claiming victory over my traditionalist view on shopping.
Now I'm someone who likes going into a real shop, browse real goods, touch/try/test real products, pay by cash, and carry the winning home and begin using straightaway. The reasons why I am a late convert are several:
- P&H - Product: $9.95, P&H: $14.95. Makes no sense to me!
- Delivery - Constant longing for the mailman to bring my new toy permanently damages my sanity. Waiting for ages in high anticipation is torture! I want to use the product and I want to use the product NOW not 5 working days and a 3 day long-weekend later
- Delivery - Risk of product damage due to mishandling or poor packaging. No brave party ever claims ownership when this fault happens. I'm stuck with a broken vase to display flowers in
- Payment Method - What? No radio button for cash option? BOOO~!!
- Product Descriptions and Photos - What you see is never the same as what you receive
So there you have it, folks. I am a reluctant online shopper and a very cynical one too.
But even the most biased online shopper has a weak spot and mine happens to be a 1000w yellow kettle lookalike thing that cleans with steams. Hey that rhymed!! Hehe poetry aside, owning a steam cleaner has been a fantasy of mine for a year now. Last year at the Perth Royal Show I remember standing for ages in front of the man demonstrating a steam mop, I was totally mesmerized by the revolutionary power of steam! It wasn't until Rowena dragged me away from the stall that I snapped back into reality. Last Saturday when we were at the Good Food and Wine Show the same steam mop man was there but so was my good friend Rowena hence I only had a 3 second peek as we quickly walked past the stall.
Well, I am no longer on the side of longing as my very own steam cleaner is on it's way right now from Sydney! WOOT WOOT!!
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls and Mei Lan (the Germ Nazi who despite using 5 sponges to wash dishes does not believe in steam). Gather around and open your eyes wide. Get ready to be amazed too by miraculous steaming actions and be envious of my squeaky bathroom tiles, fluffy bed sheets, fresh curtain, soft carpet, crease-free clothes, shiny windows, fingerprint free mirrors and grease less stove-tops.
I'll write an unboxing entry once I receive the package and another one for review in the hope that somebody might find it useful because when I was searching online there was virtually none around. Keep watching this space for those as excited as little Jennifer and I about the new steam cleaner :)
In the same laughter as little Jennifer's at Barry's 30th birthday bash last night:
"tee hee hehehehe hahah wahha tehehehe teeheh hahahahaha"
Last week of June
Little Elmo for morning tea - part of the gift to say 'thank-you' from a generous member to the staff. Serving others desires no return but moments like this makes you think that all the hard work's not done in vain.
Tracy's custard horns - yummy little things, she's indeed a very talented baker :)
This photo reminds me of the soundtrack from Toy Story 3 - You've got a friend in me. Friend, in me, in the phone, get it? :P I've just finished watching Toy Story 3 and it made me cry. I didn't think I'd be intrigued at all but the story was very touching *sob sob* And I think my personality of being very 'jian yi qi' the movie just makes sense~!
Last Tuesday I had to go to the hospital for assessments and clinical appointments. What you see was my free hospital lunch. It was the most emotional day for me this year. By the way parking near Fremantle Hospital is just SHOCKING!! I paid $14.20 and the machines only take coins so I had to run around asking people to break a $50 note in between clinics. Shie Tian... When I become the next PM first thing I'll do is to make all parking around hospitals free!! The parking really stressed me out, first being limited 2/3hour bays and second it's ridiculously expensive - $2 per half and hour.
At the end of a stressful morning I left home with one surgery information pamphlet, one Chlorhexidine Pre-Op antiseptic wash for pre-operative use, but no set date for surgery.
Kind strangers, brothers and sisters, please 'wei wo dao gao' - pray for me
Good health is God's blessing which we should never take for granted
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