30 August 2010

August Food Haul

The eighth month of 2010 is filled with food!!

Matsuri Japanese Restaurant:

 Seafood Salad

 Soft-shell Crab Sushi Roll

Prawn Tempura Udon Set

Square wasabi - cute!

Parmelia Hilton Hotel (Argyle Ballroom):


 Potato and Leek Soup
with Paprika Cheese Sticks


 Beef Medallions with Potato Rosti,
Seasonal Vegetables and Pepper jus


Warm Vienna Apple Strudel served in Creme Patisserie
Hilton Chocolate

 Dragon Palace Chinese Restaurant:

Being served Peking Duck

 Peking Duck Pancake

 Duck Sang Choy Bao

Work Kitchen:

 Donna's Fruit Platter & Condense Milk Dip

 15 blocks of chocolate (a thank-you gift)

 As its name suggests

Roast Chicken Rice with Soy Sauce

Hyatt Regency Hotel:

Hot & Cold Buffet Selection

 Desert Buffet Selection

Home-cooked meals:


Kimchi Jigae - Dad's still the best :)~
Kimchi Stew

Samgyeopsal Gui (Korean)
grilled pork belly and garlic, green onion salad
soybean paste dipping sauce wrapped in fresh lettuce


What is your favourite food memory?


August Murmur #2





in a happy place

但請別再說我 "看起來很累"






替我的wellbeing擔憂 :)

Nicole, Rowena, Me
@ Jason & Chen Shi's wedding reception

25 August 2010


Source: ctestimony.org 

一九九七年,我女儿管玉翠十一岁,是黑龙江富裕县铁路砖厂小学三年级学生。她是班级中学习认真、懂事的优等生,也是我莫大的安慰和希望。不料一九九七年 一月,无情的病魔降在她身上。我们在齐齐哈尔市几家大医院检查,诊断结果是:成骨肉瘤。大夫说这种病发展较快,最多活八个月。决定的治疗方案是“高位截 肢”,就是要把这个能跑能跳的孩子的腿截掉。这样的结果如晴天霹雳,把我吓傻了。全家人抱在一起痛哭起来,我们实在是难以接受。孩子哭着喊:“不能截我的 腿呀!”我们抱着希望来到北京,因全国权威医生都在北京。一九九七年一月二十七日住进积水潭医院骨肿瘤科十一层五号病房。一进病房我们就吓了一大跳:病人 有的没有胳膊,有的没有腿,有的头上一点头发都没有!我们怀着侥幸的心理,盼望检查出个好结果,经穿刺,拍X光片及CT检查,结果是:恶性成骨肉瘤。大夫 说这是十万分之一例,特别是女孩更少。当时我的眼泪流个不停,哭着求医生救救我女儿。大夫说:“你们要给孩子治病,需准备十万元钱,也许花了钱还落个人财 两空,你们要有思想准备。”面对残酷的现实,我的大脑一下子空白了,只会发傻地说:“完了!完了!天塌了,家彻底地完了!”

尽管如此还是要积极的治疗。先进行化疗,第一次化疗后,孩子一周的时间都不能吃饭。肚子痛,呕吐,连胆汁都吐出来了,连续三天四十一度的高烧。第二次化 疗后孩子开始脱发,流了很多鼻血,手脚都抽搐,经抢救后才好。在心理上我承受不了这磨难,我的心碎了,不想再给孩子化疗,自己也不想活了。我绝望地站在十 一层楼的阳台上,望着莫大的北京城哀叹地说:“北京也救不了我的孩子,天下这么大,哪儿是我的家啊!”我对丈夫说:“你别怪我心狠,你回去孝敬你妈吧!把 我和孩子忘了,我再也不忍心看着孩子受苦了。”丈夫也哭着说:“活咱们活在一起,死咱们死在一起!”真是山穷水尽了。

当我们走头无路、痛苦无助时,我们认识了基督徒章姨,她给我们讲耶稣基督的福音,并强调信耶稣是得着永远的生命,就是那不能毁坏的生命。不单是求医病,还 要求永远的福份,眼前的事是暂时的,神凡事都能,他造天地万物,造人,在他没有难成的事。但神有主权,医病在于神。若只为医病,神未必马上应许;若你们不 再信,那将比不信者的结局更糟。所以,要有纯正的心接受真理。她给我们讲耶稣十字架的救恩。讲普天下只有一位真神就是主耶稣基督,他是世人的救主,是死而 复活的真神,因为天下人间没有赐下别的名可以靠着得救,惟有靠耶稣基督施行拯救。主耶稣为罪人受死,让信靠他的人得永生,成为神的儿女。


一九九七年三月三十一日,大夫决定进行“灭活再植临时假肢手术”,若不是神的大能大力,一个十一岁的孩子怎能含笑进手术室、含笑出手术室、没掉一滴眼 泪?大夫不明白神的大能,还夸奖孩子勇敢,这在不信主的人来说是不可思议的事。这么大的手术只用了一个多小时,没输血,没打止痛针。


神的大爱救了我们一家,也改变了我们一家,改变最大的是女儿。正如主耶稣所说:“凡要承受神国的,若不象小孩子,断不能进去。”我女儿对神有颗真诚、火 热的心,每当同学来看她时,她都为主耶稣作见证,传福音给他们,告诉同学信主耶稣得永生,死后上天堂,不信的下地狱,让他们听传讲福音的录音磁带。由于我 们一家人的改变,很多认识我们的人也都信主了。主的大爱吸引我们风雨不误地去教会聚会,见证、赞美、感谢我们心中独一的真神。一次孩子练走路时摔了,胳膊 骨折,胳膊和手红肿的很厉害。我心疼孩子直掉眼泪,翠翠倒劝我别哭。按大夫说正常情况下需要十五天时间才能消肿。我们凭信心祷告神,没吃药、没打针,一个 星期时间淤肿全消了。到了第四天,发现孩子尾髅骨上起了个大包(这情况没敢跟大夫说)。我就祷告全能的神,以真诚感恩的心一直跪到深夜两点,仍在祷告: “爱我们的主啊!孩子感谢赞美你。我天上的父啊!孩子实在无力担这么重的担子,只有靠你。我把这重担交给你,只有你能替我担,我家一切都由你掌管安排!你 是我们的靠山,避难所,是我的真神、活神,深信你能给我们成全一切……”祷告后,未经治疗,没几天大包消失了。我们又一次经历了神的同在,见证了神的荣 耀。

单位有同事来看孩子,翠翠都劝他们赶快信主。有两位朋友听见翠翠祷告,不由自主地流下眼泪,他们很受感动,接受了 主耶稣作救主,我也帮他们买圣经。一九九七年九月二十七日,我们又一次到北京化疗,因我们凡事都靠主、祷告,所以,很顺利地住进医院并及时做了化疗。有位 病人家属见此情景,就问我是否给大夫或领导送礼了,否则不会这么快。因为在外面住一天就得花一天额外的钱。我对他说:“我们是信耶稣的,是神给安排的。” 我们节省了很多钱,其他病人和家属见我们有平安喜乐,也愿意相信、接受主耶稣,我们就见证神的爱和他如何庇护我们,讲神的恩典。他们很渴慕神,我就对他们 说等章姨来时让她再跟你们讲讲。那天风很大,章姨来了,我就把他们召集到医院楼下(有些医生阻挡传福音,不让章姨进病房),我丈夫用轮椅把他们部分人推出 来,有的自己走出来,都静静地听章姨讲,很感动愿意信主,于是章姨就领我们这许多人作了认罪悔改的祷告。

在同病房中, 我们家的经济条件最差,没有条件给孩子补养。但有神的看顾,所以,每次检查白血球都是最高的,没有影响过化疗。和翠翠一样的病人中,很多人手术后不久又复 发或转移了,病友们被这种恐惧包围着,我和女儿翠翠却无此忧虑,而有平安喜乐。我们每天把读经、祷告放在首要位置,凡事都借着祷告、唱诗歌来赞美神。病人 中翠翠是最小的,别人都感到奇怪,问:“你们不怕吗?”翠翠说:“我是信主的,我有天父管,神与我同在,我不怕!他时刻保守我。”有位阿姨脚上长了个小瘤 子,吓得直哭,翠翠就见证信主后什么都不怕了。翠翠在病房唱赞美诗歌,护士进来时,有人劝翠翠别唱了,她说:“大夫、护士谁也没有神大,怕什么!”这样的 话把全屋的人都逗笑了。

有的病人让翠翠为他们祷告,翠翠就急忙从床上起来为他们祷告说:“爱我们的主啊!我感谢赞美 你,你从茫茫人海中拣选了我,是你的慈爱把我拯救,用你大爱的手把我从尘土中托起,让我成为神的儿女,主啊!你是大能的主,你能让瞎子看见,让瘸子痊愈, 让哑巴开口说话,让大麻疯病人洁净,让死人复活,求你把我们这些病人治好吧。求主坚固我的信心,加给我力量。奉主耶稣的圣名,让魔鬼撒但退去,求主帮助我 们所有的病人脱离撒但的攻击,求主看顾我们,将一切荣耀归给全能的神,奉耶稣基督的圣名求,阿们!”人们看见翠翠和神的关系那么亲,有的病人也因此信了 主。

医生决定给翠翠用异环磷铣胺化疗。此药药力大,用药时间长,化疗病人都怕用它。但翠翠在神的看顾下顺利地完成了化 疗,吃饭也正常,只要拔下针来就能下楼玩。我们比其他病人住院晚而出院是最早的。有位大学外语老师说:“小病友,你真的了不起,比我强。你靠什么?也不吃 什么好的,每次检查结果都正常呢?”翠翠说:“我是信主的,我靠我的神,他不但救我的灵魂,也医治我的病。”就这样,病人对耶稣基督有了进一步的认识。病 房又来了二位姊妹,我们都是基督徒,每晚就到走廊一起祷告、交通并不断地向病人传发生在自己身上的见证,没多久就有很多人信主。翠翠高兴地说:“妈,我们 现在也能撒种了。我相信我们会撒下好种子的,是撒在好土里的。”

信主的小姊妹多了,翠翠忙起来了,教她们唱赞美诗歌, 教她们祷告,也为她们祷告。一次在大厅里聚会,翠翠刚化疗完,还未吃饭就急忙和我们一起聚会,教大家唱赞美诗。翠翠打完最后一次化疗(第六次)就准备回 家,大夫不允许,说这种化疗药会让病人反应很大,杀伤力很强,怕在路上有危险,让我们再呆一个星期后才能回家。我心中着急,多住一个星期需要一千多元钱, 于是和翠翠同心祷告,求主保守路上的平安,不出任何差错,求主改变医生的想法。祷告说:“耶稣基督啊!我感谢赞美你,通过这次来北京,周围的情景让我再次 看到你的大能和大爱。造天地万物、造人的主啊!在人所不能成的事,你一句话就成了,相信你定会看顾翠翠保守她,求你让她各项指标都正常,在翠翠身上彰显你 的荣耀。”

神应许我们的祈求,检查结果都正常。凭着信心,我去找张医生,把自己的想法和他说了:“医生,您放心吧!孩 子不会出事的。”医生就给开了出院单,我高兴地让丈夫去买车票,买的是第二天的车票,这样必须当天结账,否则第二天就来不及了。我和女儿祷告求主帮助,大 夫看到我们的车票,让值班的护士赶紧给住院部打电话结账,住院部让四点钟拿车票去结账。我又给章姨打电话。感谢主!平常章姨中午不在家,奇妙的神不误事。 我们三口人分头行动,我和女儿等章姨,丈夫排队等片子。章姨也来了,孩子片子也拍完了,我们和章姨都默默地祷告神让我们一切顺利。三点三十分结完了账,片 子结果也出来了,一切都正常。真是感谢赞美主,章姨还送给我们一些讲道的磁带。

在回家的途中我们凡事都祷告神,到家是 周三晚上,我们马上去教会为慈爱的真神作那美好的见证。我们完完全全地把孩子交给主,教会众弟兄姊妹常送些东西和钱给孩子买补品。若不是在主基督里不会有 这爱,连五岁小侄儿也学会了几首赞美神的诗歌。孩子回家吃得也多了,长胖了,更懂事、更聪明、漂亮了。十一岁的孩子腿上的刀口就一尺多长,而且大腿上的骨 头拿掉六寸多长,只用骨胶,如果没有神奇妙的作为,她怎能下地行走!神救了我们的灵魂,赐给我们新生命,改变了我们,再也没有愁烦,伴随我们的只有平安喜 乐,在我们家里常有赞美神之声,翠翠也立志要作传道人。

我姐姐以前练气功,也劝我学,我坚决地拒绝,我们俩人谁也说服 不了谁。但由于我们一家人的改变以及看到神在翠翠身上的作为,我姐姐也向别人传起耶稣基督和福音了。一次,一位姊妹来我家,听见翠翠的祷告:“爱我的主! 孩子赞美你赐给孩子平安喜乐。创造万物的主!赞美你,一天天把孩子平安地带领过来,孩子是个罪人,求你饶恕孩子有形无形的罪过,孩子的腿不能跪在你面前, 求你饶恕。孩子把教会中你众儿女交在你圣手上,求你时刻看顾赦免我们所有的罪。奉主耶稣的名捆绑撒但在你儿女身上的搅扰,让它永不得翻身,用你十字架宝血 洗净我们的污秽,让你孩子带一颗洁净诚实的心来敬拜你,有病的求你医治,贫穷的求你帮助,软弱的求你使他刚强。亲爱的主耶稣,求你给老年人健康、中年人有 平安喜乐、有和睦家庭,给小姊妹聪明伶俐的头脑,让我们好好学习,求主赐给你儿女祷告的能力……”

这个祷告感动了我和 那位姊妹。孩子父亲更增长了信心,也到教会聚会赞美神。我们成了基督化家庭。感谢主爱的奇妙,他用不同的方式、方法,使我们归向他,让我们得到属天的福 气。翠翠从小学五年级在病中信主,到如今(2002年)已是初三的学生,成了大姑娘。她身体健康,在班里的成绩总是前几名,并热心传福音。我先生志义(翠 翠的父亲)也很热心,我们全家在教会事奉,很多人从我们身上看到神的荣耀和大作为。

有一次我们大家一起看《耶稣传》, 当时我们如同身临其境,看到我们的主耶稣为我们这些罪人受羞辱、遭鞭打,甘为我们钉在十字架上,汗流满面,血一滴滴地流下,这是人无法忍受的痛苦,主还在 为罪人代求说,“父啊!赦免他们……”我们所有的人都哭了。我想到自己领受了神许多恩典,但亏欠神的地方太多,心里暗暗说:“主啊!保守我们有颗忠于你的 心,别让我们忘恩负义。”这时,圣灵在责备我,我跟主这么多年,看到教会的荒凉,信徒的软弱,可我做了什么、尽了多少忠心?实在羞愧。我应在灵命上长进, 不能总是幼儿了。


一次我得知一位病友离世的消息,心中久久不能平静,非常后悔未及时把福音传给他。从那以后我以写信的方式,传福音给我所认识的人。先生也受到感动,他也 常常在工地上传讲耶稣的救恩。翠翠更是热心传福音给自己的同学,带了好几个同学信主。我们全家三口人从未停止过聚会,我们唱诗,祷告,真是过着在地如在天 的生活。

我们的主耶稣说:“你们贫穷的人有福了!因为天国是你们的。你们饥饿的人有福了!因为你们将要饱足。你们哀哭 的人有福了,因为你们将要喜笑。”(路加福音6:20-21)我们已经经历了主赐给我们的祝福,深知不论什么情况下,神的爱也不能与我们隔绝。愿我们的见 证能荣神益人,盼望更多还未信主的人从中得益,盼望更多贫穷的人、饥饿的人、哀哭的人早日归向真神,早日得到主赐给我们的恩典!愿一切颂赞、尊贵、荣耀都 归给在天上的父。阿们!

O How He Loves You and Me

Words and Music by Kurt Kaiser
Click me to hear the song

O how He loves you and me
O how He loves you and me
He gave His life, what more could He give?

O how He loves you
O how He loves me
O how He loves you and me

Jesus to Calvary did go
His love for mankind to show
What He did there brought hope from despair

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." 
- John 3:16

. . .

God brought this hymn back to me last week. It's soft melody whispers in my ears lyrics telling of Jesus' love for mankind in giving His life to die in our stead. Sin, defiles the mind, corrupts the heart and ultimately damns the soul. Men who die without Christ will go to hell for eternity. 

"And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. 
And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire" 
- Revelations 20:14

If my mother's name is not written in the Book of Life, she will be cast into the Lake of Fire. If my father's name is not written in the Book of Life, he will be cast into the Lake of Fire. If my sister's name is not written in the Book of Life, she will be cast into the Lake of Fire... I shudder to think the rest.

As Sept 30in30 begins in 6 days, prayerfully I will take this spiritual battle seriously. I thank God for the coming month that I have the privilege to serve The Almighty in concentrating to share the Gospel with people who know not Christ yet... People walking toward Hell needs to be warned.

[Praise the Lord, for renewing my strength. My thought is now clearer than ever, knowing what I'm supposed to do. I don't wanna wander whimsically and waywardly for my life, Lord. I wanna follow Your example of goal-orientedness in ministry. May it be pleasing to You - by 因信称大胃]

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: 
for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; 
to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. 
For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: 
as it is written, The just shall live by faith.
- Romans 1: 16,17

16 August 2010

早餐店的蛋餅 - Egg Crepe Roll

I was really hungry when I got home today. There was nothing in the fridge and both mum and dad were out. Talking about the fridge.. After 15 years of faithful service, our beloved fridge broke down 2 weeks ago. Dad accidentally blocked its air vent with a Peters Trumpet. The poor thing over heated itself..

Back to the topic of I'm hungry.

I looked around in the kitchen for munchies to provide some hunger relief but there's nothing except for a carton of eggs. From the corner of my eyes I did spot a box of Mee Goreng.. HOWEVER, I always tell Vy how bad instant noodles are for her hence I didn't want to eat it myself. Walk the talk eh.

Quickly my brain switched to survival mode and an idea came into mind:

Eggs +  Flour  =  Egg Crepe!
蛋         面粉      蛋餅

蛋餅 is a popular Taiwanese breakfast item made using spring onion crepe and beaten eggs. The crispiness of the crepe marries the softness of the egg made perfect by the addition of sweet soy paste.

Every Taiwanese has a fond memory to tell involving egg crepe. This one is mine:

小時候媽媽每天騎摩托車載我和妹妹上學。上學的半路上有一位老婆婆推著一個攤子沿路叫賣蛋餅。看見老婆婆時,媽媽總是會停下車和老婆婆點2份蛋餅,2份豆奶外賣。老婆婆開心地邊煎蛋餅邊稱贊媽媽的女兒是多麼地可愛,逗得媽媽笑地合不攏嘴!然後,媽媽將買好的早餐掛在摩托車的手把繼續騎車。陣陣的蛋餅香隨風傳進妹妹和我的鼻子裏,令我們更加地盼望能夠趕緊到校,好能早點吃到蛋餅!到了教室後驚然發現: 原來,大家都很捧場老婆婆做的早餐。
Mum used to drive my sister and I to school on her red little scooter when we were in Primary School. On the way to school is an old lady pushing a stall along the road selling crepes. Upon seeing the old lady, my mother would stop the car and order 2 serves of egg crepe and 2 soy milk for take-away. The old lady was always happy to see us, she greeted us warmly. Then, my mother would hang the breakfast on the motorcycle's handlebars and continued the journey to school. The wind always carried the smell of freshly cooked egg crepe to us sitting at the back so we longed eagerly for the ride to hurry up that we could get to school sooner to have our crepe breakfast! When I walked into the classroom, I found to my surprise that all my friends are just as big a fan as me of the old lady's egg crepes!


Now my heart longs for 蛋餅. I quickly remembered seeing a recipe online so without delay I hopped online to BENNY媽咪  's home and wrote down the steps. 

早餐店的蛋餅 - Egg Crepe Roll
Receipe Source: BENNY媽咪

Crepe Ingredients (1):
Bread Flour ..... 4 tbsp
Starch Flour ..... 1 1/4 tbsp
Salt ..... small pinch
Water ..... 1/2 cup

Egg Mix Ingredients (2):
Egg ..... 1
Spring Onion ..... 1-2 tbsp
Salt ..... small pinch
Water ..... 1 tbsp
※I used one egg per crepe which was too thick. I suggest pouring a thin layer is enough but add more if you like eggs.

To Make:
1. Combine the ingredients in (1). Mix well till smooth. Rest mixture (1) for 10 minutes.
2. Beat the egg. Add water, spring onion, salt. Mix well.


3. Heat a flat base pan, add oil to form a thin layer. Pour half of mixture (1) into the pan, quickly move the pan to form a thin, round crepe.
4. Over slow heat, cook till the crepe is semi transparent. Flip over.


5. Pour in mixture (2) to evenly cover the crepe. Turn up heat to medium.
6. When the egg appears semi solid, flip the crepe again.


7. When the egg is ready... Fold the crepe from left to right 2 times to form a roll.
8. Cut into smaller pieces then add your favourite sauce to serve!
※ For my sauce, I used thick soy sauce paste (醬油膏), thinning it with water then added a dash of white vinegar & chopped garlic.

The end product!

I know it doesn't look much (mainly due to my lack of culinary skills) but it IS finger licking good! The photo appears blurry because I forgot to take the plastic film off the lens of my camera :S

幸福的味道, taste of happiness

15 August 2010

Things that make me happy #1

What makes me smile?

Tons of things!

Hot coffee in the morning,
Caring sms from friends,
Clean linen!!

Last night, the red plush flower in Shirlyn's car made me super smiley.
It always always does.

Against the dark background, wedged in the gap, is a bright little flower smiling back at me.
I remember the very first time I saw it, I was so curious that I poked it and it fell off!
Back then I didn't know Shirlyn very well so it was a well-timed ice breaker :)
Since then, if ever I was in Shirlyn's car I'd always greet the flower.
Silently of course... Didn't want Shirlyn to think that I was weird.

I took it upon myself last night the honour of naming this little flower:
"Happy, The Flower!" I said. "Because this flower makes people happy!"

14 August 2010

New haircut, new family

I did it.


After a month long hesitation, I finally had my fringe cut.

The Butter Family 奶油家族 is ever extending,

歡迎更多的人來加入我們 :)

奶油家的成員, 姐和妹 ♥

With more lovely sisters - Shirls & Ling jie ♥

Pic Sharing - Chen Shi's Bridal Shower

12 August 2010

Rain @ work

Don: Wow, I love your shoes ♥
Jen: Yeah me too! I told Julia that this morning~
Ali: Don't these shoes remind you of something?
Don + Jen + Ali: MINNIE MOUSE!!
Me: ... *looks down* O yeah they do too~!!

11 August 2010

August Murmur


考完Online Modules後有如釋重負的感覺

Certificate of Achievement

前幾天開始了深入地探討 Philippians


在你決定何者值得炫耀, 並真的拿出來炫耀的時候, 其實是給大家一窺你深淺的機會
而往往主動在那裡大炫特炫的人, 通常都淺薄的很
因為世面見多了, 真的才會領悟人外有人的道理







10 August 2010

My bag is so clever!

This is my bag.

There are many things about women and their handbags that men do not understand.

And to be quite frank, I don't either. Why is it that women lug around our belongings and men just have their wallets (and mobile phones)?

From conversations with other girls I've come to realise something. Many of us carry all that we need (and few what someone else could possibly want) because it's better to be prepared than to be caught without. A huge bag is all you need so you won't forget anything at home!

This is my over-sized, over-weight bag.

So my problems with having an enormous (but fashionable) bag that seemed like a good idea at the time of purchase, all in the name of 'convenience', are:

  1. Heavy. Weight training anyone?
  2. Never finding what you need when you need it. Talk about self-inflicted frustration!
  3. BHP - Black Hole Phenomenon. Once something goes in, it never comes out again.

Still... Will I ever live without a handbag?


Do I long for the past, when it was a sign of wealth and privilege to carry as small a handbag as possible?

Not really.

I need a solution, not total elimination! Deep down inside I'm glad that it's us women whom it's socially acceptable to be carrying bags and not men. We get all the fun :)


So the solution. Here's something which Christine bought for me that I've been wondering why hasn't anybody out there invented one yet!! Hopefully things are going to change from now on.

For the better~!!

Thanks Chris ^^

In changing bags, I tipped everything out of the old bag and laid them on the floor. I found:

  1. Salted mixed nut
  2. Kugi breakfast cereal - yummy strawberry flavour
  3. Seam unpickers (sewing)
  4. Crown strawberry biscuits
  5. Breakfast museli bar (yogurt flavour)
  6. Tape measure
  7. Mood cards - Sisters Fellowship
  8. Thermo flask - bought this in Taiwan. Keeps hot drinks hot and cold drinks cold!
  9. Breakfast cereal drink (soy flavour)
  10. Korean mobile charm
  11. Japanese Hello Kitty mobile charm
  12. Pandora catalogue - browsing for a gift

  1. Garage door remote control for parking for work
  2. Keys
  3. Work badge - purposely flipped over so you can't see my photo!
  4. Mobile phone for the next week before iPhone 4 arrives
  5. iPod Touch
  6. iPod/iPhone battery recharger
  7. VistaRabbit - Mini Lomo Camera
  8. Last TWYL tract
  9. Wallet
  10. 2010 Diary
  11. Book currently reading
  12. Organiser
  13. Pens
  14. Sermon & Bible reading notebook

  1. Sunnies
  2. Hair clip
  3. Contact lenses
  4. Comb
  5. SKII  for skin refreshment
  6. Golf tee
  7. 3D glasses - Rowas had tickets to see Step Up 3D. Forgot to take them out.
  8. Hand Shield - Christine introduced me to this wonderful product. It protects from skin irritants and keeps my hands moisturised for 4+ hours. It's also water resistant and has a lovely fragrance. I find it very handy especially working at the restaurant and when washing dishes. Dish washing liquid are too harsh... they dry my hands and gives me rashes, leaving my hands red for hours. Now I no longer need to wear gloves :)
  9. Golf balls
  10. Mascara
  11. Lip balm
  12. Jurlique hand cream
  13. Comb
  14. Waterless hand wash
  15.  Wet towels

Oh boy, no wonder I often complain about the 'invisible rock' in my bag and now I know why. The amount of things I carry around everyday is just ridiculous! I totally deserve the pain in my left shoulder.

This is what my bag looks like now after a good 'spring clean'. The best feature of the new bag is that it has built in dividers which gives every little thing its proper home.

It's been 3 days now since I've been using the new bag and seriously, the difference it makes in having everything organised is huge! I no longer waste my precious life on constantly finding items in my handbag!!

A sister happily ordered the same bag too after seeing mine on Sunday. Great choice!

    03 August 2010

    God makes all things beautiful, in His time.

    Today we had a reflection on God's perfect timing in our lives.


    1  To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

    2  A time to be born (Phebe), and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted (HL weeding in her garden then developed a rash);

    3  A time to kill (thou shalt not kill), and a time to heal (our friend is clear of diabetes); a time to break down, and a time to build up;

    4  A time to weep (MOH's tearful speech at Selina's wedding), and a  time to laugh (us three); a time to mourn, and a time to dance (Julia, Rowena and Selina at Selina's bridal shower);

    5  A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace (Lian and Julia welcomed me back with hugs), and a time to refrain from embracing (Lian jumped when Eric asked for a hug);

    6  A time to get, and a time to lose (HL lost $63, I lost $50); a time to keep (our mobile charms), and a time to cast away;

    7  A time to rend, and a time to sew (my workpants sewn by Julia); a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;

    8  A time to love (AH's relationship blossomed), and a time to hate; a time of war (Iraq), and a time of peace (with God).

    Funny but fond memories reminding us that God's timing is perfect in every way.


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