27 April 2009

A French Getaway

Today I stopped over at a little French Patisserie/Cafe in Nedlands.
It was recommended by Leah few weeks ago.

The Eiffel Towel table number is rather pretty!
I did for a short moment feel like I was really in France.

A beautifully made Fruit Danish.

Chocolate Croissant.

Sadly, I developed a high fever today.
Didn't get to enjoy the danish as my taste buds were sleeping and appetite missing.
Spent the rest of the day sleeping, feeling groggy and drowsy.

22 April 2009

A Trip Up North...

Southies have crossed the boundary and ventured into the land of wonderful North.

What will behold 17 such men and women (plus one baby) from the tribe of Regeneration?

And so the story goes...

Conversation in the oven. The capsicums and drumsticks didn't get along.

Shirls (Headchef) in the kitchen whipping up scallop pasta.

Truc acquiring a new talent.

Concentrating hard indeed...

Slightly burnt capsicums. Helped Shirls to peel them but burnt my finger.
I will eat you just you wait!

Chicken tonight


Kung fun chop
serving the pasta...

Doesn't it just look so delicious?

Someone is a good girl, readying herself for the meal

Dessert :)

After dinner entertainment

Rich girls are in town

Julia = banker. No one cheats me of any money!

The next day: Steamboat dinner prep work begins... Look at all the ingredients!

Food prep-ing

Stock, the good stuff :)

Hours of slow cooking later...

Blue swimmers

The set up

Sauces, one for every taste!

Pre-dinner snack

How can anyone resist?

Dinner in progress. Tribe people rejoices!

After dinner cleaning

A dog named Tess

Coffee fix




The trip up North was a success! Maryann told me the next day on facebook that she was eating tom yum steamboat for lunch at work!

18 April 2009

Food diary

Aunty Le left in the fridge 2 big crabs when I went over to visit on Wednesday,

her note said they were lunch for Vy and I.

Look at the size of the claws!

Instead of boiling as the Le family does, I scoured through the kitchen cupboards for a steamer and cooked the crabs that way. I find that boiling ruins the consistency of the meat while steaming keeps the meat delicate and crab "juice" sealed. Steaming is a very easy task, simply place a wet cloth at the base of the steamer, layer the crabs and close the lid! When the crabs turn a nice shiny orange, turn the steamer off. But remember to check on the water constantly. As the steam escapes, water level drops so remember to top up from time to time.

I also made lemon lime bitters in time the crabs were cooking. Making your own lemon lime bitters means you can add more of everything for a stronger (better) flavour :)

The crabs are ready to eat! The claws had to be snapped off as the pot wasn't big enough :( Vy's family uses lemon juice, salt and cracked black pepper for dipping but I find that it overpowers the taste of crab meat. So dialing an SOS call to master chef Dad, he taught me his secret receipe. He's used this sauce (a sweetish vineragry sauce) for years and years, I prefer it because it takes away the 'sea' smell and brings out the natural sweetness of crab meat. Once you try it, you'll never have steam crabs any other way!

2 weeks ago I bought a punnet of strawberries for $3.50! But that's actually considered cheap because strawberries are normally $4.50 a punnet. I suddenly had cravings for caramelized strawberries or "tang hu lu" if you speak chinese. It is a popular traditional snack in Asia especially China, Taiwan and Japan. Various kinds of fruits are candied, put on bamboo skewers and sold in pasam malams (night markets). Fruits like chinese hawthorn, mandarin, strawberries (the best), kiwifruit, bananas, grapes, cherry tomatoes (most common), etc etc can be used.

Vendors engaging in active trade :) When I was very young, 'tang hu lu' were made, stuck into a post and an uncle would carry the post on his back. He'd yell loudly "tang hu lu... tang hu lu... come and get your tang hu lu" while walking down the street. I remember chasing after him in little footsteps, giving him TWD$15 (~AUD$0.5) in exchange for his sweet creation. He'd often pat me on the head before yelling out again "tang hu lu... tant hu lu... come and get your tang hu lu".

Taiwanese like to use pickled sweet prunes with cherry tomatoes (as seen in above picture) as well as little pickled pears.

My cravings started as soon as I stumbled into a shop which sold candied fruits in Melbourne last month. "OOOOO you've got to try this!" I said excitedly to Rowena. I bought a strawberry skewer for $5 and the two of us devoured it.

Boiling the sugar syrup mix that dad helped me to mke.

First strawberry skewer!!!

Don't they just look so delicious??? Steven had none, Mum had half a skewer, Dad had the other half and I had the rest. Steven was at uni and mum said not to wait for him :P

Caught licking the spoon. It was that good!

17 April 2009

Today I stepped on the long neglected Wii Fit board.
In an act of revenge, it told me I had gained 2 kgs.

Instead of throwing it in the bin,
I decided to beat it at its game.

In sweat I stepped, stretched, ran, balanced, and jumped.
30 minutes later, I am only 100g lighter.


14 April 2009


Yesterday, I led a sinful life.

Today, the guilt is overwhelming. I spent some time singing and playing hymns thinking that this was a good excuse for avoiding the Bible. But just as I reached over to grab a bag, there my Bible was staring back at me.

God won, I lost.

Opening up to 2 Chronicles, I began reading chapter 6. Solomon led the people in prayer asking God to hear their prayers. The Temple of God had just finished building.

God spoke to Solomon in chapter 7:13-14, saying,

"If I shut up heaven that there be no rain, or if I command the locusts to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among my people; If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."

My God knew that I was feeling far from Him so He spoke to mine heart too. No one is exempt from sin, not even God's appointed kings (LA Bible).

Off to God now for forgiveness and restoration-ing. Sin should not drive me away from Him but toward Him for strength.


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