10 August 2011

The real price of death

My work just heard the sad news this morning that someone had taken their life in the public toilet. This happened last night and the police have been around to clean up the scene.

What I found surprising and heart breaking was that apart from the disabled toilet, the rest of the shopping center was business as usual. Nobody was aware of what went on behind closed doors.. We only found out because the center manager is a friend and she came to tell us the story.

As soon as I'd heard what happened, my heart became incredibly heavy.. As Christians, we all know the sad, but sure fate of those who die without Christ. I remember reading something in yesterday's devotion:

This world is the closest thing to hell Christians will ever experience, and the closest thing to heaven unbelievers will ever know.

No matter much suffering and pain we experience in this life, everything comes to an end. BUT Hell never ends; it goes on and on for eternity.

This has definitely been a wake up call on evangelism for me personally.

08 August 2011


Yeah, me too.

Now that my computer has been restored to life, it's time to restart blogging.

Be back soon :)


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