Southies have crossed the boundary and ventured into the land of wonderful North.
What will behold 17 such men and women (plus one baby) from the tribe of Regeneration?
And so the story goes...

Conversation in the oven. The capsicums and drumsticks didn't get along.

Shirls (Headchef) in the kitchen whipping up scallop pasta.

Truc acquiring a new talent.

Concentrating hard indeed...

Slightly burnt capsicums. Helped Shirls to peel them but burnt my finger.
I will eat you just you wait!

Chicken tonight


Kung fun chop

serving the pasta...

Doesn't it just look so delicious?

Someone is a good girl, readying herself for the meal

Dessert :)

After dinner entertainment

Rich girls are in town

Julia = banker. No one cheats me of any money!

The next day: Steamboat dinner prep work begins... Look at all the ingredients!

Food prep-ing

Stock, the good stuff :)

Hours of slow cooking later...

Blue swimmers

The set up

Sauces, one for every taste!

Pre-dinner snack

How can anyone resist?

Dinner in progress. Tribe people rejoices!

After dinner cleaning

A dog named Tess

Coffee fix


The trip up North was a success! Maryann told me the next day on facebook that she was eating tom yum steamboat for lunch at work!
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