29 December 2011

My Vacuum Cleaner

It's been two years and we never bonded. I don't like it. It is heavy and awkward and the hose is stiff and it mocks me by falling to its belly every corner I turn. Because of it, I dread vacuuming! I avoid using it if at all possible. I use it only under duress, leavng mum to war the evil machine.

Over the years it has lost significant suction power. Now it struggles to pick anything up. The poor thing has seen better days. It is time to move on and find ourselves a new one.

After much research, my next vacuum will be a Dyson. To be honest, compared to my old vacuum which was just a dust sprayer, anything will shine. But for long lasting sparkles, I've decided to invest in a Dyson. I won't rave about it here as I don't own one yet, but it isn't short of compliments from owners all over the world.

My question is: How on this planet can a person decide what Dyson to buy?

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