28 June 2010

10 Steps to a Blessed Day IV

(By Rowland Croucher and others)

Day 4:


I will find ways to help share the burden of another person.
I will find ways to make life more pleasant.

Last night I purposely set the alarm clock for an early rise and shine. I wanted to enjoy the hotel experience a little longer before having to go to work. I also had a very pleasant sleep last night so this morning I woke up quite happy and very inspired.

Waving mum goodbye I had to stop her from walking me to work. Outside the temperature is freezing... and mum hates the cold! Plus all I had to do was catch the bus down Adelaide Tce then take a short walk to the company's building. All is rather simple, nothing to worry about but thanks mummy, thank you for always doing more than what's required for me.

And so I got a taste of what it's like living in the CBD and what I liked about city living is it's convenience. However, as much as I like convenience I'd MUCH rather be living closer to church as my life revolves around His Church. God willing that after my probation period and before the year ends that a big step could finally be taken.

Everyone at work is talking about Australia's new Prime Minister - Julia Gillard. I didn't know at the time (but found out later) that factors I have in common with Ms Gillard stop at our magnificent name. Sadly our moral stands are poles apart.

An 'extra mile' I did for someone today was unlocking the door for a colleague who'd forgotten to bring her pass when she went out for lunch. Actually... That was more being at the right place at the right time. Today there were also lots of prayer requests so I spent some time praying during breaks instead of watching soccer.

I am afraid today's challenge was poor efforts... Writing this now I realise just how passive I was today; I didn't actively sought out opportunities to be a bigger blessing to others. At first I questioned why didn't God provide obvious opportunities today for me but the more I think think about this the more I am convinced that my passiveness is actually a great hindrance to His work through me. What's more scary is the fact that I behaved not much different today to any other day of my life! Am I always this passive in the ministry of 'being a bigger blessing'?

I am blessed through God's blessings to Abram to Israel to Jesus to me.

Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee: And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. So Abram departed, as the LORD had spoken unto him; and Lot went with him: and Abram was seventy and five years old when he departed out of Haran. - Gen 12:1-4

I am nothing but a steward of my time, my money, my possessions, my body, my thoughts, and my words. I am missing out - missing out on the blessing of being a blessing to others (not from a selfish perspective).

I'm humbled. I'm heading to bed now and think more about how to be a blessing to others.



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