I am so happy I can almost cry! I am so thankful I can do a little dance.
All because my computer is alive again.
For the past few months it has been very temperamental. I was told it might have caught a virus so Harry and Steven came to the rescue. Sadly the peace was short lived. When the driver went "missing" few weeks later, Harry and Steven had to have another look. 2 weeks later the operating system cannot be detected.
Too embarrassed to admit my computer illiteracy, I resorted to laptop living. It was not very good living. Everyday as I switched on my laptop I looked to the blank screens of my PC with sad eyes. "Oh how I wish you were alive" I'd often dream. A couple of weeks later, while eating Eagle Boy Pizza, I mentioned the problem to mummy dearest.
"Mummmmyy... my computer won't work" said I, pouting.
"What happened? I thought it was fixed?" asked mummy.
"That's what I thought! But apparently not! Mummmyyy can you please ask Steven to do something about it? I have heaps of work to do and I need a computer..."
The golden words - "I have heaps of work to do".
"Ohhh that's no good... Why didn't you tell me earlier? I'll sort it out, leave it to me." promise of a mother to her daughter.
"Aww thanks mum, you are the best!" but what I really was thinking inside was "YESSSSSSS!! WOOHOO!"
The next thing I know is Steven checking the computer, Harry dropping by to pick up the computer and us collecting the computer yesterday. "It's all good to go now, just needed reformatting for some strange reason" said Harry the computer expert.
Steven made no complaint through the whole ordeal... except one comment as he was carrying the computer upstairs: "this is the inherent risk of having a sister". I couldn't help but laugh. Before re-installation, he taught me how to clean dust from a computer. Armed with a vacuum cleaner I had to pretend to be interested in PC cleaning. As Steven rambled on about what to touch and what not to touch, when to use a damp cloth and when to use a vacuum cleaner, I snuck off silently to take a shower. When I came out, he was almost done reinstalling all programmes and configuring all settings. Soon enough I was happily checking emails and updating my blog.
Times like this I really thank God for the blessing of a little brother...
(and his blessing of good, talented friends).
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