17 August 2009



作詞/作曲/演唱 : 江蕙

我欲甲你攬牢牢 因為驚你半暝啊爬起來哭

甲你攬塊心肝頭 乎你對人生袂擱茫渺渺
我欲甲你攬牢牢 不免驚驚 驚見笑
世事乎人 想袂曉 需要一個肩甲頭

我欲甲你攬牢牢 乎我陪你唱同調
分擔你的憂 你的愁甲你的哭 哭完心事著無了了

我欲甲你攬牢牢 乎你袂驚袂擱號
往事放乎空 人生啊才有望 乎我陪你渡難關

Fathers Day, 08/08/2009, typhoon Morakot lashed out at the southern regions of Taiwan, dumping a whole year's worth of rain in just three days.

It marked history as the worst storm in Taiwan.

Dams and rivers overtopped, wiping out surrounding villages.
Massive mudslide buried innocent villagers alive; houses were smashed, roads and bridges destroyed. Our historical landmarks and buildings became rubble overnight.

我, 又想哭了

My heart has not stopped aching since first hearing the news. Thank God for Evangelism Cafe, which focused my attention on His work instead.


I am both grateful and relieved that my relatives live up North in the capital city but at the same time feel tremendously sad for the victims and their families. Some of my childhood friends have families living where Morakot struck, watching news everyday I pray it's not their faces I see on TV.

阿里山沒了, 不敢相信. 好好地養傷吧, 親愛的。

但願大家一起努力, 讓災民趕快重建家圓重拾一切。

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