Taiwan JiaYi City -
This old lady is 89 years old, her husband passed away early in life.
Her only son lost his life in a tragic accident and the only family she has left is the daughter-in-law.
But, the only person she calls family doesn't want her.
Her daughter-in-law bought 2 tiny garages for the her to live in,
and never came back again.
孝 (Filial Respect) is an important virtue of Chinese people. Since primary school we have been taught countless lessons within school curriculum to obey our parents and be reminded of what great selfless love they have for us in raising up us and protecting us from harm.
The tiger is evil but it does not eat its young. Remember that saying?
"Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. Honour thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise; That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth." - Ephesians 61-3
In today's society, there seems to be more ME than anybody else; our love for self bypasses everything, even the almighty God who created us and commanded His love toward us.
I am not happy
This isn't enough for ME
Why ME?
Why is this happening ME?
I want this
God doesn't love ME
No one loves ME
Notice a pattern?
Are you starting to find that YOU are no longer satisfying YOURSELF? Why not take a step back, remove yourself from the equation and start counting your blessings. I have eyes to see, legs to travel and hands to do things for God.
And please, don't forget to tell your parents you love them.
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