This little one was born 4 years after me and for the past 20 years has never failed to amuse. He went from a super skinny annoying little kid to someone who now carries all the heavy stuff and fixes things around the house - occasionally!!
My brother is a funny guy. He's funny not because he has many jokes to tell but the fact that one can joke around with him and he's unlikely to take things personally. In fact he is sure to have much crap to dish right back at you - the collection of Stevo constantly challenged by Harry who is another person with much to say about nothing.
That is why I have resorted to tear tactics as I hardly win in a verbal contest with Stevo on the opponent side.
Stevo's is a member of the unofficial "Little Brother's Association" or LBA - dubbed by Rowas Cheng whose little brother Caleb Cheng currently holds presidential status. Other members include Terry Chong and Yorkie Wong (although not a little brother himself, but that'll do). I don't think they like being in the LBA because the last time we mentioned it they gave us their too-cool-for-school faces and ignored us.
Stevo's Favourite Quotes:
- "Huh?"
- "Man, that's deep stuff."
- "Noob."
- "That's randomness."
- "Why? Tell me why first."
- "Maybe."
- "I cbb."
- "Stuff it."
- "Ok I am confused."
- "lamo."
- "Oi."
- "..." - on MSN
- "XD" - also on MSN
- "What are you doing you noob!"
- "Noob."
- "Noooooob."
Quite calmly in Darth Vader's voice and Stevo's serious face he earnestly made the following remark:
"I want to say to people (putting the mask on) 'Nooob... I am your faather.'"
Then I cracked up laughing in the middle of Spotlight falling short of rolling on the floor.
Stevo also likes to add "ness" behind almost every word. For example: noobness, dumbness, loch ness - lol I made the last one up.
Yesterday he rung me at 8am to ask if I'd like a pair of silky 3/4 pants from Fila as present from Melbourne... Er... we have Fila in Perth dude and silky pants? What therrr?!
"Well I don't know what you want? There's nothing here except for Morrissey, Mossimo, Mooks, Review, Cue, CK etcetc and btw Guess is having 50% off its shoes." Said Stevoness the thick-headedness.
"aaand you want to get me a pair of pants from Fila? Are you serious because I don't really want that."
"Yeah alright I'll have another look around."
My brother Stevo makes me laugh and cry at the same time.
When I wanted to learn basketball he took me training everyday. When I wanted to exercise he walked around the park with me then came home saying "man, I got no work out today". When he says no he means yes and when he calls you a noob it means you are his friend. When he hears a great sermon he will make me sit in his chair and listen to it. When he's sleeping I like to jump on his bed, when I'm sleeping he likes to walk in and ask for a massage.
He's a sweet guy when he tries and will tell me off if I'm being judgemental or unfairly emotional.
He's a sweet guy when he tries and will tell me off if I'm being judgemental or unfairly emotional.

My little brother Stevo makes me a better person, I believe he is God's gift to our family; he brings us much joy and maybe some headache but mostly joy, honestly :) I hold sooo much dirt on him and can't wait to dish at his 21st next year.