08 August 2007


I've decided to keep account of what I eat each day (at least for a little while). this was something that I've wanted to but never managed to pen anything down so putting it up on the blog, is perfect. so far today, I've had 1/2 packet of Thins chippies (very bad start i know) and 1/2 a bottle of water. as for the rest of the day... we'll see.

after staying up all night on monday, i finally finished 2 CLs and submitted both in! yay! a pat on the back for such determination (after 1wk of putting it off and a whole tuesday of sleepiness)! as for today i'll need to purchase the breakfast ticket... must not forget... must not forget...!!!

1. Purchase breakfast ticket
2. Murdoch O'day tomorrow
3. Hair trim
4. Friday night dinner with the girls

- 1/2 packet of chips
- 1 orange
- 1 packet of lollies
- korean bbq and lettuce
- water

I learnt today: if you only had 1 tool in your toolbox that is the hammer, then all problem to you seem like a nail.

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