Yesterday after 6 hours of hard labour, my new comp's finally up and running thanks to Stevie + Harry (thanks boys)! Execpt for when both kept shaking their heads saying... "man... this is so wasted on your sister" with every part that gets put in. Well I think NOT, don't worry guys, I give them a good home, put them to good use :)So now, I'm learning how to use Vista. Loving the gadgets, it's rather intriging. Especially love the yellow post-it notes as I do use them quite a bit. Bluetooth hasn't worked yet... Microsoft Office 2007 not installed... actually, not much has been installed at all yet I love it... hehe talk about contention :)This is the girliest comp I've had so far. The case they chose for me is so cute :) it's got locks & a "flap" door & piano sonata finish. so shiny & glossy!What can I say, I am blessed to have such a nice brother :)