thank you Lord for the rain that you sent, to water the earth!
it rained so heavily just as i was about to leave for shirlyn's house, today was the adelphe's gathering and the girls had to wear something purple (or black as worn by most!). we had a yummy "tea party" with a wide selection of tea leaves n nibbles, as soon as hot water was poured into each cup, an explosion of fragrances just errupted. it was very heart warming drinking hot tea and talk about God's words while it poured outside. the experience is a double thumb up.
tea leaves, fruits, cakes & chippies
my apple-tree tea tonic
fruit tarts, thanks wendy for holding it for me^^
and of course, the "quilt", where my sewing skill fails me once again :x so i won't say much, you can see it for yourselves...
its now got 4 neoprints and 3 white "bubbles" and a framed pass it on card!
1) work
2) add petrol
3) buy sports shoes
4) find 2 things that represent me for tomorrow
that was the to-do list this morning when i work up. i had every great intention to accomplish it but only managed 1) and half of 4).
at first work was quiet, it did feel kinda strange being a saturday to be sitting on my bottom rather than running around and avoiding little kids! so i committed it to God praying that He would bless us with customers... almost INSTANTLY, groups of people came rushing in, so fast that i didn't even have time to respond to the sudden change in atmosphere! they filled tables after tables until there were none and had to wait around standing! i really thank God that everything today went by smoothly, although there were some delays but we had lovely patient customers :) i also thank God for karen n yeebuor's safe return from china. they truly have been a blessing, they are such willing and trustworthy workers that came in time of need and have been with us for the past years. i think i might be a little sad if they had to leave at the end of their studies!
stevo rang me in the afternoon asking me to purchase some european pillowcases, i only had 1 hour till 5pm but managed to searched through kmart, myers (made a little stop over at temp, novo, amart and footlockers). in the last 10 minutes i thought i'd give target a go, there were plenty of styles to choose from (on sale too!). i chose a beige with embroidered flowers (for me) and a white with green lines (for stvo), but just as i was about to leave i found a 2 pack european pillowcases on sale for a mere $2.86 from $29.95?! how can i walk away from that! i was in disbelief and gave myself a pat on the back for such a good find. the problem is, its white with polka dots. uh-oh... stevo's not going to like that, i thought. but i blame him for his absence, i figured if he was going to comment, i would shift the attention to the fact that if he prefers something else, then perhaps he should have been there to make his selections! with that escape route in mind, i paid and left pretty happily.
when stvo saw the pillow cases, he simply said "i hate you", then he laughed and after dressing the pillow in its new case, he was very content. i didn't need my backup plan, he thought it was a bargain too! now he's lying on it watching anime, hee hee, i say a job well done :D
it certainly has been a while since my last blog,
during that time i've had my exams, by God's grace achieved good results :); blessed with work (although i was pretty much paid doing nothing); had the first uwa lunch fellowship; and now i'm preparing my entrance into law.
really want to thank God that He has been answering my prayers, by His grace, opened doors which i with my little strength would never have been able to. i just pray that He will continue to be involved in my life, and my faith to stay till the end.