19 June 2008

Life if full of surprises

Lately, my super has been bothering me. It all started when mum asked me to open up a super account for stevo so I casually browsed the net to see what I can find. After a bit of online-shopping, it dawned on me that having a super a/c = weekly fees + the possibility of negative return. HUH?! I wondered, and once again question balloons popped up above my heads:

1. I have several a/cs, have I been paying unnecessary fees?
2. How much super have I accumulated
3. Have I been cheated all these years??

"I want them back", came the ultimate conclusion. "How", came the barrier to improve one's super. Well I must say I do have above average cognitive dissonance bias so not much later I've completely forgotten why I was quite upset.

Until today that is. Mums are creatures of wondrous reminder, no issue ever slips out of their ultra compartmentalized brains. "DO U REMBR LAST TIME WHAT I ASK TO DO? U DO OR NOT YET? I KNEW IT, U DONT GET NOTHING DONE IF NOT FOR ME HERE TO REMIND REMIND". Quite right mum, though not fully.

Another wave of unjust emotion flooded within and this time, was powerful enough to translate into actions. One particular website took me to SuperSeeker (http://www.ato.gov.au/super/content.asp?doc=/content/33301.htm) and the first thing I needed was my TFN which I've misplaced. "Now where is that stoopid card? Where did I put it after opening up my account last month?" I confess, rather than putting things back to where they belong I like to hide them and find them by surprise... 3 years pass their use-by-date.

My punishment was a painful 2 hour search-up-and-down-the-house with lots and lots of self blame and dislike. IF ONLY and ONLY IF... why did I not do the right thing?!! One place I searched was my boxes of packed stuff containing childish clothes and things I do not have immediate use for. I must say, moving heavy load wasn't fun but the contents were. I actually sat there for a while going through my old letters and cards (pre email era), some made me smile while others I have no ideas of:

1. Who's Heidi? Apparently I knew her and invited her to camp one time.
2. Bday invite held @ the "Church" -> I did not go mmkay
3. Unredable signatures (no printed name), some guesswork required

Another interesting thing I unwrapped was a present from few years ago. It was a beautiful silver cup complete with tissue paper, felt cloth and a wooden box. I remember when it was first received it I didn't fancy it. I mean silver cup...? What the. So with only a brief peek I packed it up and stored it away. Today it actually felt like receiving the gift again. Sliding the wooden lid away, pulling the tissue paper back there was a line of engraved words. It reads "Drink for me while we are 1000 miles apart". The words swam in my mind for a while and then sunk in (pass all the fat cells), suddenly there was a lot of appreciation for the person who gave me this cup. Drinking = toasting, for me = for me and apart = away. Hahah... okay I know that's lame but I am simple minded. To me those words meant that even when distance separates people, this friend wishes for me not only to remember but also live well (even if friend friendself is not). Wait... that does sound a bit weird now having written it out, sorry friend if u stumble across this and it was not your intention at all. However the cup and the words contained friend's best (and selfless) wishes for me. A bit of regret as I don't know where friend you are anymore, but friend, I hope you are well, healthy, prosperous and happy! Really really :)

Sitting at my desk I've finally given up. Perhaps, it was not meant to be. Perhaps I needed to be protected from potential bad news. Perhaps I was just lazy. "OOOHH well, who wants to know anyway, why don't I just sit here and watch a bit of youtube..." = self denial and another CD time. But God is amazing, He taught me that there is always hope through this little ordeal. Swinging my chair to the left picking up my handbag about to clean it and there, tucked in the mobile phone pocket was the object of my search.

"YEEEEEESSS!!" praise God! This is GREAT! Thought I while punching in the numbers. "submit", the results came through with nothing. At that time I should've been really disappointed but the joy of finding my card was greater than any other so super smufer zufer.

Anyhoo, what a morning it was however it was a wonderful experience! A bit of soul searching too :)

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