I A M B A C K :)
Yes, that's right, I have announced an official comeback after a nice long, long break! Some might celebrate, others less than impressed... so what are you doing reading this then eh? :) hehe but I'm sure there's enough love out there for a small, inconsistent blogger such as I!
During this non-intentional extended break, much has happend... so much so that one blog will not justify the muchness of much. add to that my gold fish memory, I shall dot point as "much" as memory allows. so here goes...
- Adelaide trip + BOOT Camp in December 07
- NYE 08 fireworks + Fried Rice
- Carols by Candle Light
- Hottest Christmas by the beach
- Mike's (cousin) visit from Taiwan
- Venessa's 21st dress up
- Leah & Eugene's wedding
- Steven's 19th
- Girls' steamboat night
- Mini beach outing
- Sizzler's Feast
- Stockmarket slump :(
Quite a list eh? Praise God for seeing me through 2007, blessing me with good results and a nice job. Thank God for drawing me closer to Him and for brothers and sisters who have encouraged me, prayed for me, stood by me.
Oh, Juls has got herself a diary this year... it's hard work keeping a diary but so far, no regrets :)
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