29 January 2010

When Waiting Fails


8 Things in Life We ought not to wait for

Don't wait until you want to receive love to learn how to give.
Don't wait until you are lonely to start missing friends.

Don't wait until you have a job to start giving your best.

Don't wait until you fail to remember others advise.

Don't wait until you fall sick to realize that life is fragile.
Don't wait until parting to regret you never cherished a relationship.

Don't wait until someone points it out to realize your faults.

Don't wait until you are richly loaded before being ready to help the poor and needy.

28 January 2010

Master Level Lameness Unlocked

Cleaning my desk just then found myself this story. It was written by Barry, Yorkie, Kang Ernest, Rowas and I taking turns going around the table.

Just thought before binning it I should blog to historise the epic story and its witty yet lame authors. Actual story that night, if I recall correctly, had a lot more details and ended on Mr Kiasu. Not sure why on paper it's different? Maybe Barry the scribe wanted to protect his beloved friend's reputation hehe.

Anyways, enjoy this story if you have a minute or two to waste :)

We are on an island, on our dolphins, seals. We are Spiderman, Michaelangelo, GM, Mr Kiasu, Kickapoo and lucky the family pet. Spiderman gone to drop his cousins off at the pool. Meanwhile, Bubble tea monster appears and Spiderman drops white coloured cousins and everyone was full afterwards. Michaelangelo found a cave and starts painting and found the Batmobile. A secret passage leads to Batman's lair and Alfred serves anchovies. Then the real Batman comes out and kicks everyone out. A green goblin/alien suddenly comes out of Alfred and Michaelangelo says "Dad!!" Then everyone decides to clone themselves so they can be something else. All of a sudden a blizzard and Bear Grylls comes and lights a fire. He eats some bugs. Then Sensei the Rat comes and gets caught and roasted by Bear. Michaelangelo gets angry and fights Bear and kills him. Bear opens and everyone finds the hidden treasure.


27 January 2010

2010 Holiday Planning "Begins"...

Like seriously!

Someone asked me today over email when I was flying; it suddenly hit home that in less than 3 weeks time I will be outta Perth!

*Followed by a brief moment of shock and panic*

You see, I'm yet to book accommodation for our stay in Hong Kong and Macau. Yet to finalise itineraries.

16 days and counting down, the great Hong Kong and Macau trip planning re-begins with prayer. Don't stress, don't fret... just pray, pray and pray!


Permanent love/hate relationship with self guided travel.
Love the freedom, hate the planning.
Hate the research, love the traveling!

18 January 2010

Hot Hot HOT!!!

I changed my mind about liking Summer after three consecutive days of 40C-plus temperature. As the extreme heat wave hit Perth with great vengeance, I'm temporarily evicted out of both my rooms upstairs.

The advantage of living in a two-storey house is that the ground floor remains pleasantly cool as the upper floor turns into one gigantic concrete-heated sauna. With absolutely no desire whatsoever to leave an air conditioned house, I'm also a prisoner in my own home.

So for now, and the next few days at least, my bed is the carpeted floor and my pillow a couch cushion. Also instead of the usual Windows desktop (2nd floor), I'm learning and using a Mac (1st floor).

Yet being 'stuck' downstairs isn't a bad thing at all! Right next to me are my family going about their activities which I would not be a part of if I was upstairs. Cooking dinner with mom and dad as well as winning Steven's pocket money over Mahjong provided good distraction from this nasty heat...

THIS nasty heat makes me anticipate our going away in March to Taiwan and Hong Kong more! It'll be Spring then YAY!

13 January 2010

11 January 2010

10 January 2010


Thank God for receiving this very meaningful gift today.

It's a crystal clear glass frame with
12 sheets of delicate transparent cards containing God's Word ♥


08 January 2010


This morning, God put a song in my head.

by Carolyn Hamlin
The Wilds Music

Lord, as I seek Your guidance for the day,
I find my thoughts unyielding;
confusions crowds my way.
But then when I bow to You,
the challenges You guide me through;
Your promises are ever new,
I claim them for today.

Your will cannot lead me where Your grace will not keep me.
Your hand will protect me.
I rest in Your care.
Your eyes will watch over me,
Your love will forgive me.
And when I am faltering,
I still will find You there.

07 January 2010

Jiu Cai He Zi

Tonight's dinner was marvelous!

A giant Chinese Chive Pocket [Jiu Cai He Zi 韭菜子] to satisfy a hungry belly. Some people also call it "Leek Box" which is more a direct translation from the Chinese name.

Never mind the name, it's the taste that packs a punch!

Thin crepe-like wrapping pan-fried to perfect crispness
Garlic chives with eggs and clear vermicelli filling
Spicy soy and vinegar sauce
Party in your mouth
‧★,:*:‧\( ̄▽ ̄)/‧:*‧°★*

Size of my dinner in comparison to a KFC wet towel

Mom served dinner at 6:45pm... Regen meeting was 7 O'clock. I had just 10 minutes to devoured this beast (as well as 2 KFC wicked wings)!


During the meeting Lilsy was doodling on a Ritz biscuit box,

when she went to the bathroom I took these photos:


04 January 2010

Photo Sesh

This, the unofficial BPCWA photography club

master tey
bro. mark

Missing in Action:

ah sern

had our first ever excursion to Freo!

It started with afternoon coffee, boost and chippies at Terrezza
here master tey taught newbies (lilsy, truc + me) how to use our cameras

thanks Jason for teaching me this!

Fremantle's beauty
(Via my little humble camera)


click on the photos to view a clearer version

Jason taking a photo of Truc taking photo.

Big trees vs little Truc.

This photo refuses to be in the right orientation
thus after Nth uploading, I gave up.

After a meaningful afternoon of appreciating God's wonderous handiworks
Some of us headed to Old Shanghai for dinner before calling it a night.

Looking forward to the next outing!


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